Friday, April 10, 2009

Taking Squash to School's

Squash lovers know how good this game terms of giving one total mind-body exercise in minimum time.

Taking the game to schools is critical for it to become a mass sport. April 09 onwards we will be in direct conversation with a number of schools in Delhi, Dehradun, Mussoorie, Lucknow, Allahabad, Amritsar, Faridabad, Noida, Ghaziabad etc to try and get school kids to visit nearby sports complexes - DDA venues in Delhi, Sports Complexes in other cities & courts within school campuses wherever present - so that we may introduce this great game to children. Keen sponsors are being explored so that parents may be subsidised and children get to 'see & feel' the game without too much burden.

It has now been scientifically proved that children who play regular organised sports also do better in science & math in school. Parents are requested to explore if Squash is their child's 'cup of tea' since this game can very easily become a lifestyle sport for children. As these kids grow up they will become part of the world where 'sports time' is the first casualty. Squash fits the bill rather minimum time one gets total exercise - mind & body. Do check out the Forbes Magazine link that showcases why this game is the Healthiest Sport in the world today.

Interested parents can mail us. We will be more than pleased to assist their child to explore the amazing world of squash!!


Unknown said...

sir i am interested in playing squash but dont know how and where to start. i live in north delhi. could you please provie me with the name of some places here i can learn it.

Go in search of your people, love them, learn from them, plan with them, serve them, begin with what they know, build on what they have - Anonymous said...

DDA Rohini Sports Complex is a good place to try. They have 2 courts.
